Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Since Santiago and I first started dating, there has been one musician that I like to say has been the soundtrack to our relationship. Santi introduced me to Juanes, a Columbian artist, within weeks of our first date and I have been hooked ever since. His songs have always seem to fit our relationship as it grew and emerged into what is now a beautiful marriage. One our one year dating anniversary I made Santi a picture frame with the lyrics to a Juanes song, and we danced to Juanes at our wedding, but I never imagined we would ever be able to see him in concert. Because he is a Latin artist, he never performed anywhere near Indiana other than Chicago. This year we were able to get tickets to see him in concert in Tucson. This past Sunday we made the drive down to Tucson, just about an hour from the Mexico border, and saw him in concert at a beautiful outdoor amphitheater surrounded by desert and mountains. It was an amazing concert and brought tears to my eyes because each song reminded me of a point in our relationship. I will never forget that concert and I am so glad we were finally able to see him live!!!

1 comment:

In a Nutshell said...


PS It's been about a month since your last update. What's the hold up???


See ya soon, ya?