Thursday, April 8, 2010


“As you do not know the path of the wind, or how the body is formed in a mother’s womb, so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things.” Ecclesiastes 11:5

It's been awhile, I know. We have been BUSY. I know I always say this, but we are ALWAYS busy. Since the last time I posted we have had some major life accomplishments worth celebrating!!! On March 21st, Santiago became a United States citizen!!!! What an amazing gift from God. I got teary eyed during the ceremony. Just looking back, just thinking of all Santi and I have been through together. Thinking of how long he has waited for this moment. Thinking of the weight that has been lifted off his shoulders. Thinking if how proud he is to have reached this point and have this opportunity. While he is now a U.S. citizen, he will always been an Ecuadorian first. I know his pride for Ecuador will never fade, but I also know he is just as proud to be an American. God is good!
So that leaves us with working on his parents immigration status. Practically as soon as we got home from  the ceremony, we got rolling on all the paperwork for his parents. We are really looking forward to being able to lift this weight off their shoulders as well. They have been waiting over 13 years. It's been a long time coming. I will keep everyone posted on their status as well. It will be yet another moment to celebrate.
At the end of March God brought us to another milestone, and Santi completed his bachelor's degree! He has worked so hard and I know it has not been an easy road for him. We are so grateful he had this opportunity, and not only that but it was completely paid for. I know he is so relieved to be finished, and I know he feels truly accomplished. He is actually thinking about pursuing a Master's degree already! I am so proud of my husband. I have the best husband in the world, and God truly blessed me when He sent Santi my way.

Now that he is finally finished with his degree, the job search begins. It is a little scary and overwhelming to be looking for a new job in this economy, especially because he needs to find one that matches or exceeds his current salary, which isn't too shabby. What he really needs is regular hours (weekends off so I am not stuck home alone every weekend), and a job that fulfills him. I know his current job is stressful, and it's not where he wants to be. We could really use your prayers that God sends the right job his way at the right time. I just have to remember that God's timing is impeccable.

Along with all of these blessings, we have also had some personal struggles this month. And while I know things aren't always going to be easy, and life is full of ups and downs, I find comfort in knowing that God is in charge. My strength is in Him and Him alone. He gives and takes away. In the end, we are truly BLESSED.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ashley and Santi,

I saw you finally updated your blog! Horray! This post made me tear up a little--I am so proud of Santi's accomplishments and I am so excited that he is hitting all these great moments in his life (and you along with him)! You two have and will stay in our prayers always! I am so glad that you two are grounded in Christ and have the knowledge that He is SO GOOD, even in the best, as well as the hardest, of times. Stay awesome and maybe Andrew and I will visit you soon! I think we are both itching for another Phoenix trip!!!