Sunday, July 10, 2011

He's Here!!!!

Our precious son Luca Alberto Sotomayor made his grand entrance into the world on July 5th, 2011 at 6:52am. He weighed in at 6lbs 7oz and 20in long. We are so in love with him!!! I went into labor on my own at 4am on the 4th of July. I was so excited to think we could have a little 4th of July firecracker! Well, after laboring all day at home I was finally admitted to the hospital at 6pm. Luca didn't quite make it in time for a 4th of July birthday, but we are so thankful that he arrived perfectly healthy on the 5th. After all the ups and downs of trying to start our family, it is so surreal that he is actually here. We are so blessed with this little boy and couldn't be happier. Right now we are enjoying every moment with him and our new little family. Here are some of my favorite pictures from his first week at home. Enjoy!
I look like I got hit by a bus after almost 30 hours of labor, but I was sooooo happy!

Favorite place to sleep...on mom or dad's chest.

Isn't he such an angel?

I could just eat him up!

So precious

Leaving the hospital finally

Ready  to go home and we just missed the big dust storm!

The Sotomayor Boys!

1 comment:

Mary said...

Congrats!!! Congrats!!! Luca is so ADORABLE!!! I'm so excited for you and your hubby!!