Saturday, August 6, 2011

1 Month and 28 Years Old

Yesterday our little man turned 1 month old, and today I turn 28 years old. I cannot believe our baby is one month old already. This morning has been rough for Luca after yesterday's visit to the doctor, which resulted in a vaccine and a diagnosis of acid reflux. When he is fussy and I am exhausted, I often find myself wishing for the days ahead when he has more happy awake times...when he is more independent. Then, I remind myself of how quickly time has already gone by, and how much I am going to miss these days of exhaustion when a shower and hot meal are rare, and my new wardrobe consists mainly of sweats and puke covered nursing tops. It's my 28th birthday, and so far today I haven't even had a moment to brush my teeth, but it's all good. I am blessed beyond belief, and if I remember correctly last year at this time I would have given anything to be celebrating my birthday with my precious baby...even a fussy one.

Happy one month birthday my sweet little boy. Mama and papi love you so much.

1 comment:

alliehallmarr said...

Happy birthday! I totally remember those days and trust me, before long they will be gone and you will be sleeping through the night (luca too ;) Then suddenly you'll be like, "wait a minute! where'd that little baby go?" I was sad about the growing up fast thing for a while but truth be told, they get more and more awesome the older they are. Snuggly babies are fun but there is something really fun about a busy one year old. I was so exhausted for the first two-ish months of Henry's life and then I got all this energy out of nowhere, just're going to love it! Luca is so cute, I can't wait to read more about your adventures in mommyhood. I'm so so glad you added my blog today so that I could find yours...I've already read through pages of your teaching blog (as well as this one...) and I will definitely be coming back. I'm starting grad school on Monday to get my MAT in Early Childhood and I'll need some new ideas for this new chapter in my life. Talk to you soon and congratulations!!