Just the other day our little guy turned 3 months old. I posted about how he was attempting to roll over with no success. Well, I guess I spoke too soon. On Thursday morning I went into his room at 6am to get him after hearing his little coos on the monitor. In my foggy early morning state of mind I went to pick him up and was confused as to why he was on his belly. Then I realized he must have rolled over in his sleep. Now, even though I was excited at this new developmental milestone, I had a slight moment of panic. Of course all the latest research on SIDS says "back to sleep" until age 1. Well, what on earth am I supposed to do if he rolls onto his belly in his sleep?! How will I know if he doesn't make a peep? I am actually surprised he didn't protest his new position with crying, which is what he typically does during our supervised tummy time. He really isn't a fan of being on his tummy. I guess he was just too tired. Maybe he realized it's comfortable after all. I was always a stomach sleeper before pregnancy. Oh boy...back to not getting any sleep at night. I am ashamed to admit that I actually slept with the video monitor in my hand for awhile last night...even though we also have an Angel Care breathing monitor. Yes, I am that mom.
Here is my little man practicing on his playmat. He has rolled over successfully several times since doing it in his crib. He does however get his arm stuck underneath him sometimes, which makes him mad. I was also reading the other day that babies typically learn belly to back first because back to belly is supposedly more difficult. Leave it to our child to tackle the most difficult move first.
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