Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012!

Happy New Year!!! We celebrated the start of 2012 with a beautiful hike in the White Tanks and enjoyed 80 degree weather in January. I love living in the desert.

Since it's the first day of a new year, and I suppose I should think about some resolutions or something, maybe reflect about the year that has just come to a close. I love the excitement of a new year. A fresh beginning. What will this year bring? It's going to be difficult to top 2011. I remember this time last year. I was just out of the first trimester in my pregnancy with Luca. I finally allowed myself to breathe a little, and even to believe that this would be our take home baby. That 2011 would be our year. After the loss and heartache we dealt with in 2010, I was filled with anticipation and hope for 2011. 2011 fulfilled my greatest expectations and with it came the realization of a dream longed for. We welcomed our precious son in July, and he has changed our lives completely. I will never forget 2011. The excitement and relief of a successful pregnancy and delivery, the birth of our first child, growing into my new role as a mommy, celebrating all Luca's milestones, watching him grow and change week by week.
This first week of 2012 Luca will turn 6 months old. It's hard to believe that the little baby we brought home from the hospital is already forming quite the personality and looking more and more like a little boy every day and less like that tiny baby. I am looking forward to every moment of this year with him, and I can't wait to watch him grow into the person he is going to be.
On a personal level I have a lot of goals, hopes, and prayers for 2012. Last night during our church's New Year's Eve service I thought a lot about the things I want to focus on in this new year. Some things are deep and others are just silly, but I thought I would lay them out for you.
So here we have it, my 2012 resolutions/goals:
1. Grow in my relationship with Christ and learn to love Him more deeply. This is a goal of mine every year, as it should be. Part of this goal includes finishing where I left off last year with reading the entire Bible. I read a good portion of it last year, but life got the best of me and I didn't do as well as I had hoped. I have purchased the prayer guide for the One Year Bible this time, and I am hoping it serves as a guide to deepen my prayer time and help me to hear from God on a daily basis through His Word. I am also striving to be a more devoted servant and to look for areas in my life in which I can serve others in His name.
2. Glorify God in my job. This school year has been rough since I returned from maternity leave. Not so much because I was out for the first three months (although that didn't help) but more because of some issues with my students that are out of my control. Additionally, the budget cuts and other administrative decisions are really presenting some challenges for us. I will be the first to admit, I have not always been so positive in the last couple of months about my job, and I have allowed a negative attitude and frustrations to fester within me and affect my life outside of work as well. I want to remember that through my job as a teacher I am serving Him  through serving His children. Even though it's not always easy, I have to remember that when things are tough at work my strength comes from Him and that He will give me the ability to reach my students if I rely on Him rather than myself.
3. Be a more patient mother and pour into Luca's life so that he would know God's love for Him. As I continue to grow into my new role as mommy this year, I hope I can focus on being more patient (especially the times when he is fussy and only wants to be held, or in the middle of the night when I am exhausted and he wants to be awake). I also hope that as he matures and reaches the stage where he is in need of occasional correction that I can remain patient and offer gentle words while teaching him the importance of respect, obedience, and self control. I also hope that through Santi and I he will learn of God's love for him and develop a heart for the loving and serving the Lord.
4. Health. Now I know pretty much everyone starts off the New Year with a plan for eating right and exercising...and then they fall off the wagon by the time February rolls around. So I am not going to make a weight loss resolution. I am now about 3-5lbs away from my pre-Luca weight, and I am actually at a point where I am pretty happy with my post baby body, so I am going to focus on mental AND physical health by eating healthier as often as possible, getting as much exercise and fresh air as possible (which includes spending quality time with Luca walking, jogging in the stroller, hiking, and playing at the park), and taking time for myself when needed. I know that in order to be the best mom I can be, I need to take time for myself once in awhile, and that's okay. It's important. When I feel rested and refreshed I can give more to my family.
5. Have fun! I want to have as much fun as possible this year. For the first time in two years, I am not worried about getting pregnant or being pregnant. No testing, no medications, nothing! I can have a great time with my family, travel, play, and just enjoy life!

So...those are my main resolutions for this year. I am also hoping to tackle a few more things on my 101 in 1,001 list (see my blog header). Bring on 2012!

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