Sunday, August 17, 2014

Grace is Enough

I'll continue my former post about our transition into life back at "home" in Indiana. They say when you move somewhere new it takes at least 6 months to feel comfortable. Even though I grew up in Indiana and Santi had lived here for a good 10 years before we moved to Arizona, it was a major adjustment. Leaving Arizona behind was difficult in so many ways, and our lives here were slow to take shape as we lived in limbo over the summer. Thankfully we were able to stay with Santi's mom and dad until we were able to sell our Arizona home (which turned out to be a nightmare) and find a home here that fit our needs. I know this was not easy on them, and it certainly wasn't easy on us either. When you are used to being so far away from family, moving in with family is a BIG challenge. Don't get me wrong, it's wonderful having all the help with Luca, dinner made every night, and laundry folded neatly. Really, it is. But as a wife and mom it's also hard to step into someone else's home and feel comfortable. At times I felt rather bitter about our situation. I will admit it. I felt as thought I had kind of lost my place. It didn't help that I was pregnant and hormonal, and in general completely overwhelmed about the major life changes we were going through. I didn't yet have a job lined up, and that was very scary financially for us. We were worried we wouldn't be able to move out of their house as quickly as we had planned. I spent a LOT of time in prayer this summer. I was humbled by working an hourly camp job to help pay off our moving expenses and the added unexpected expenses that continued to pop up with our house in Arizona. It's hard going from being a teacher to working with a bunch of high school and college students as a camp counselor. But I got through the summer. I had one teaching interview the week after we arrived here, and not a single other phone call (despite applying for every possible opening in the near vicinity). In my first interview I had "rave reviews"...yet they hired someone who was already working an hourly position in the school...which is how it usually goes in Bloomington. Not to mention with 7 years of experience they don't want to pay for you when they can get someone fresh out of college and pay them less. I was really worried. As luck (or grace) would have it, I happened to know someone in the interview panel at that interview. She "promised" to get me a position in the district after she learned I wasn't hired. I held on to hope in His future grace all summer...sweating it out as a pregnant lady working summer camp. Let's be SUCKED. As the school supplies rolled out at Target and the start of the school year quickly began to approach...I started to have my doubts. I started to regret moving back and question God's calling us to come home to Indiana. I am only human. But thankfully He is a God full or mercy and grace. The week before new teacher orientation I was hired as a Title 1 teacher at Fairview Elementary. It was absolutely the perfect position for me at this point in my life. I get to teach and be a part of a school that is going through some big and exciting changes (from failing to thriving!). I get to work in a school that has my heart, as did my schools in Phoenix. And I don't have a lot of the added outside work of a regular classroom teacher, which is what I need with another baby on the way. Oh, and I even got a tiny raise:) And they were all worried that they could only credit 5 of my 7 years of experience. Ha! Salaries have been frozen in Arizona for years...anyways. He is good! I am truly in awe of his provisions. While we are waiting He is working. In the midst of all of that, we also found a cute little house we love just a few blocks away from Santi's parents. We should be closing on it August 29th and moving in the following weekend! I am so beyond excited to be in our own place again! It may be completely lacking in furniture or decor for awhile, but I am looking forward to making it our own.

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