Friday, June 2, 2017

Summer Vibes

Blogging hasn't been as easy lately. I am finding it more and more difficult to get a quiet minute to sit down with a busy two year old and energetic almost 6 year old. I can't believe I just typed that. Luca is going to be 6?!?! It just doesn't seem possible. I am not sure which sounds more crazy, the fact that he is turning 6 or the fact that we just celebrated his kindergarten graduation. My baby is a full on big kid. FIRST GRADE. At least kindergarten still sounded like "little kid". Ok, ok I know he is still very much a little kid. And not just by his size. But for some reason reaching the "grade" stage of school just sounds so much more grown up. I don't know. Speaking of first grade...I am returning to first grade in August. After three years of teaching reading intervention I will be back in the classroom. I have mixed emotions about this change, but I can honestly say that I am mostly excited. Ask me again in December and I may have a different answer. I knew this was a possibility due to funding cuts in Title 1, and to be "safe" and avoid me getting a RIF (reduction in forces) notice my principal stuck me in a classroom position. It may be that the funding does go through and my Title position doesn't get cut this coming year...but we know that Title is slowly getting defunded. She does not want to lose me, so she is securing my position at my school. I am flattered that she thinks so highly of me, but it also feels like a lot of pressure! I have learned a LOT these last three years in Title 1. A lot about teaching reading and a lot about how to best support our unique body of economically disadvantaged children who often come with all of the affects of trauma. It's not for everyone. But I honestly feel that this is where my heart is right now. I loved teaching English as a second language, and I still love my English language learners, but I also feel like God led me to Fairview for a reason. Not only was my Title position absolutely perfect as we transitioned to our new old home in Indiana and added Mila to our family, but I feel like He put me at Fairview because He was calling me to serve these children. And now being back in the classroom I feel like I have the opportunity to make an even bigger impact in the lives of our students and their families. I know I will need to rely on Him for strength to do this, and to do it well, but I feel pretty good about this new old journey. I know I am meant to be in the classroom. It will definitely be an adjustment again, but I know it will be rewarding too. And I couldn't have a better team supporting me. So...Luca and I will both be in first grade next year! This also leads me to some exciting news about Luca! He will be in a dual language immersion classroom for first grade, which I could not be more thrilled about! I had wanted him to be able to attend an immersion school, but I never imagined that it would be a possibility right here in Bloomington and at OUR neighborhood school! Just another God moment. They just announced this new program for incoming kinder and 1st graders this spring and we jumped at the opportunity. What an amazing experience for him to be taught in both of his languages throughout his school day. He will be able to learn to read and write in BOTH languages, which is amazing! He will spend half of his day in Spanish with a new teacher, and the other half in English with his former kindergarten teacher who was absolutely awesome! He is super excited he gets to have her again. And he will have many of his friends from kindergarten in his class. They will continue on through 6th grade in this program together.
So Ms. Mila. I guess I need to get back to my Dear Luca and Dear Mila posts! Mila is most definitely a two year old. She is determined to do everything herself. She has to climb in her carseat by herself, wipe her own nose, flush the toilet herself, wash her hands herself. She also talks nonstop. Sometimes I have no idea what she is talking about, but she loves to tell stories. My mom said I used to do the same thing. She also likes to pick up books and pretend to read them out loud. Usually something random gets thrown in there like "chicken nuggets are hot" or something equally crazy that just comes to her mind. She is fully potty trained now, which is super awesome. She is so sweet. She loves to give hugs and kisses, and she is always saying "I love you mommy!". She loves to copy anything and everything her big brother does...which isn't always a good thing. She still hates to sleep. Summertime is rough because she refuses to nap and then is a hot mess by the evening. She just never wants to miss anything. She also still ends up in mommy and daddy's bed almost every night. But I am okay with it now that she doesn't nurse. I actually enjoy the cuddles from my baby. I know she is our last and her baby features are fading far too quickly. Like Luca' seems they just disappear overnight. Those chubby hands and feet. No more diaper bottom. Ugh....I am not an emotional or sensitive person. I didn't shed a tear when Luca graduated kindergarten or when I sold the last of the baby items, but I know I will miss these days. I enjoy watching my babies grow though. It's so fun to see who they are becoming. So conflicted.
So for now it's summer. And our calendar is already full of fun things. I am looking forward to soaking up the sunshine and enjoying lazy days with my babes. I love this time of year. The late evenings outdoors, swimming, hiking, traveling. No real rush to get anywhere. I am going to enjoy these days while they last, because I know this next school year is going to be BUSY.

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