Monday, September 19, 2011

Weight Loss Update: 5 Days Out of 30...DONE!

I posted a week or two ago about losing the baby weight. Last week I started the 30 Day Shred.
I have always been a Jillian Michaels fan thanks to my Biggest Loser addiction (new season starts soon!). I have always wanted to try her 30 Day Shred, and after I got the go ahead from my doctor at my post partum visit I was excited to get going! I have been motivated to lose the last 20lbs I am hanging onto...well, actually I am only about 15lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight but I would like to push myself to go a bit further since I was a little on the chubbier side before I got pregnant. So, last week I squeezed in 4 days of The 30 Day Shred, and I am proud of that because last week was rough with Luca being so fussy. I weighed in last Monday at 139.6, and today at 138.4....down a little over a pound! I would say that is a decent start. I am going to shoot for getting in at least 5 days of exercise this week and today's workout is done! I will do mostly 30 Day Shred, but I would like to try for a jog since my ultimate goal is to get back into running. I will admit though, I have not been that great with my eating because breastfeeding makes me famished all. the. time. I am going to keep trying though! I am going to keep you all posted on my progress with the 30 Day Shred!


Mary said...

Oh my goodness!! She kicks butt!! I only made it two weeks with her 30 day shred. It is HARD!! You should definitely try running too. I lost over 30lbs last year on just running. No meal or diet alterations just running. I logged in all my runs on if you are interested. I love that website!!

Mrs.S said...

Thanks for the dailymile suggestion! I need to get going with running again. I said about three times this week that I was going to go for a run and it hasn't happened. Such is life with a baby.

Krissymac on TB said...

Hi Ashley! Been missing you on The Bump so wanted to check in and see how things are going. Great job on doing 30 day shred, it's very intense. I am on weight watchers and getting very good results. Still EBF too so I get extra points for that and rarely feel hungry. 13lbs to go to pre-preg weight.