Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Since Santiago and I first started dating, there has been one musician that I like to say has been the soundtrack to our relationship. Santi introduced me to Juanes, a Columbian artist, within weeks of our first date and I have been hooked ever since. His songs have always seem to fit our relationship as it grew and emerged into what is now a beautiful marriage. One our one year dating anniversary I made Santi a picture frame with the lyrics to a Juanes song, and we danced to Juanes at our wedding, but I never imagined we would ever be able to see him in concert. Because he is a Latin artist, he never performed anywhere near Indiana other than Chicago. This year we were able to get tickets to see him in concert in Tucson. This past Sunday we made the drive down to Tucson, just about an hour from the Mexico border, and saw him in concert at a beautiful outdoor amphitheater surrounded by desert and mountains. It was an amazing concert and brought tears to my eyes because each song reminded me of a point in our relationship. I will never forget that concert and I am so glad we were finally able to see him live!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Home Updates

The progress on our house is really moving along now. We now have painted walls, a driveway, cabinets, and some lighting fixtures. It is looking even more like a house and we can't wait until closing day!!!!!
Our apartment is getting more and more cramped as our dog gets bigger and we continue to make shopping trips to IKEA for the house. We purchased a new dining room set and patio set that is currently boxed up in our living room, along with tons of other random things we have been collecting for the house. We are also in the market for our first real bedroom set as a married couple. We are sad to say that we are still sleeping on a hand me down bed and mattress!
We have made numerous trips to Lowe's to look at paint and backyard necessities. I am so excited to get started making it our own, but I don't think I will ever be able to make a decision on paint colors! If anyone has suggestions please let me know! We are also a little stressed about the backyard. Our front yard will be landscaped for us, but not the backyard and it is currently just dirt. We want to lay some grass, but being in the desert that isn't always easy. We also discovered that rock would be much more expensive than we expected. It is important to get something other than dirt as quickly as possible so Tevez doesn't dig holes and make a mess coming inside covered in dirt. Hopefully we will come up with a solution.
We will keep you posted as the progress continues. We are still looking at a May 23rd closing date and we are counting down the days!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Back Home Again in Indiana...and Other Random News

Well...it's hard to believe that spring break has come and gone. I guess time flies when you're having fun. We are not ready to go back to work tomorrow but that's life. Unless we win the lottery we are going to be working many more years!
It was really great spending time relaxing with family and friends. We spent the first part of the week in Jasper with my family. We did some shopping and went to North Vernon to see family. We even got to go to my cousin's daughter's birthday party and see all the little ones. It seems like every time we go to North Vernon the number of little ones has multiplied! They are all so cute and growing so quickly.
The second part of the week we hung out in Bloomington. We got to check out all of the new places in Bloomington and spend time with Santi's family. We went to Oliver Winery which is always a hit. Of course we picked up some wine to take home. On Friday night Santi's old boss Susan hosted a game night at her house just like old times. It was great to sit around and talk with everyone. We really miss that gang! We went out to Bears and Nick's after game night and stayed out the latest we have in a LONG time! I got to see Jen and meet the new guy, so that was really nice. We felt so old out at the bars again...it seems like only yesterday we were up and down Kirkwood every weekend.
Poor Totti and Rossdale (our parents' dogs) are having a rough time. Rossdale is getting so old and he is starting to look it. He is almost 11 years old! Poor Totti just had surgery to get neutered and now he has torn a ligement in his leg and has to have surgery again!
Our baby Tevez stayed with a friend of ours in Phoenix. He had a fabulous time playing with her dogs Annie and Daisy. Unfortunately I think now that he is back home he is either really really worn out or he is missing Annie. I think they became pretty good friends. Santi and I really missed Tevez and we are glad he is home. We took him to get groomed today and went ahead and shaved him to prepare him for the hot weather ahead. He looks like a total dork but at least he will be nice and cool.
We also went out to the house today and what a shock! It is getting so close to being finished! It is now painted, has a driveway, a garage door, kitchen cabinets, walls are painted, backyard privacy wall is up, and some of the light fixtures are in. We are getting SO excited! In about 7 weeks we will be moving in! The countdown is on!
Well...seeing as tomorrow we have to go back to work, I better get off the computer and get ready!