Tuesday, May 15, 2012
My First Mother's Day
As luck would have it, I am in a blogging sort of mood and our laptop is on the fritz. Go figure. I am attempting to blog from the ipad with limited success, so I may just have to try again later. Anywho...on Sunday I got to celebrate my first official Mother's Day (with a baby on the outside). Last year I was 7 months pregnant with Luca. Santi made me a delicious breakfast and got me some roses, and I remember wondering what it might be like to celebrate with my little one. This year I enjoyed my day with my amazing little family attending church (where we sat in the parent room and Luca plowed through an entire snack container of puffs and Cheerios), going out to breakfast, and taking our first family trip to the pool. Luca LOVED the pool, just as we had anticipated. The kid is a huge fan of water. Period. It doesn't matter if it's in a bath, a pool, or the dog's dish. He wanted nothing to do with the baby floating tube. He only wanted to be held so he could splash around. I am pretty sure he would have jumped right in if we had let him. I love watching him experience things for the first time. It's one of the best parts of being a mom. I love being a mom. Even on the days I am just completely tapped out. It's not an easy job by any means, but I wouldn't want to change a thing about our life with Luca.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
May Musings
Wow, I was going about my morning mommy duties of getting Luca ready for daycare this morning when it occurred to me that today was the first day of May. I would say that it snuck up on me, but I have been counting down the minutes until the end of the school year since...oh...November 1st when I went back to work after maternity leave. May is a magical month. It's probably one of the most busy and hectic months of the school year, but summer is so close you can almost taste it. There is just something about knowing that you are in the final month of the school year that puts a spring in your step. The end is in sight, and a much needed vacation awaits. I am going to be honest here, this school year was probably my most challenging in my 6 years of teaching. I think it has even come close to topping the year I taught 5th grade, which is saying a lot. It's taken some time to get into the groove of being a working mommy. Starting the school year with my kiddos in November was NOT easy, especially since we had gone from a full day kindergarten program to a half day. NIGHTMARE. It was also hard being away from Luca all day, and really just the logistics of functioning as a teacher on very little sleep thanks to my most favorite little guy keeping me up all night many, many nights. That's no easy feat for any teacher, and with the class I had this year it was down right exhausting. I felt like I was going about my days in a fog most of the time. The house was always a wreck, sometimes we would eat a decent dinner, and forget about relaxing. Add several pumping sessions throughout the day (including two at work) and I am surprised I have survived the last 6 months at all. It hasn't been an easy road, and I will be the first to admit that the stress got the best of me many, many times. Too many. I allowed it to take over way too often, and I saw myself becoming a person I didn't want to be. Grouchy, bitter, short-tempered. Once again I felt God calling me to take a leap of faith. I just knew that it was time to move on from the school I have called home for the past 5 years. I knew that it was not a good situation for me, and it was not allowing me to be the mommy and wife I want to be. Despite my common sense telling me it was too much of a risk to resign without another job lined up, I turned in my letter of resignation in March. I had to trust God once again. I had to free myself up so that He could reveal Himself to me once again. Let me tell you, GOD IS GOOD! Now when you are waiting for God to show up in a big way, it's not always easy. In fact, it's scary. At least for me. I struggle with faith sometimes. I guess this is why he is always testing me and urging me to let go and let Him. I know He is growing my faith every day. Well, He did show up in a big way, and I am so thankful for His mercies. I was offered (and of course accepted!) a first grade teaching position in Litchfield Park. I fell in love with the principal, school, and teachers right away. It just felt right, and I breathed such a sigh of relief when I got the offer. I knew it was the perfect fit for me, and I knew that God had my best interest in mind when he nudged me to take that change and put myself out there. I feel a new energy and excitement for life, and I can't wait to see what this change does for me and for our family.
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