Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Dear Mila

Dear Ms. Mila,
You are 4 months old already...SLOW DOWN! I am terrified to blink or I will miss your baby days. Seriously. Stop growing so fast. They weren't kidding when they told me this all goes a lot faster with the second child. Sometimes I feel guilty because you are the second child and I can't give you what I gave Luca. Undivided attention, limitless snuggles, time to just sit and soak up your gummy baby smiles. Other times I think being the second child will be to your advantage. It will make you a more independent and resilient little girl. I am so thankful that you are so easy going. You are perfectly content anywhere. You love laying on your play mat, swinging in the swing, or riding along in the Ergo while I get things done or chase after your brother. You are always laughing or smiling, and lately you have started squealing and "screaming". I guess you just want to make sure you are heard over your brother! I am really looking forward to this summer as you begin to sit up and enjoy a better view of the world around you, and maybe start scooting by the end of summer! I love you so much Mila Paz, you are a beautiful baby.


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